1. What is the difference between Muay Thai & Kickboxing? There are a few differences that separate muay thai from kickboxing. Mainly two things, Number 1: No elbows. You cannot elbow in kickboxing. You are only allowed to use your punches, kicks and knees. Number 2: No clinching, No sweeps, No fun! In many various kickboxing organizations you will see different rules on this. Some are no clinching, some have limited clinching where they allow up to 3-5 seconds of clinching. Which if you have ever watched a kickboxing fight you will see that even though they allow some form of clinching for a few seconds it usually gets broken up almost immediately. Kickboxing incorporates parts of Muay Thai, but also takes from Karate, Taekwondo, and other martial arts.

  2. What can i expect in class? Classes are 45 minutes to an hour long. Each class begins with a warm-up of skipping rope for 3-5 minutes and 1 or 2 rounds of shadowboxing. There will be a technical presentation of muay thai techniques. Drilling or live training will usually follow the technical presentation. The class will end with either some ab-work, stretching, and or a burn out/cool down drill.

  3. What is expected of me in class? What we expect of you is a good attitude, an open mind, & to give 100% when you're training. Have fun with your training. Listen to your coaches and let go of your ego. Muay Thai is a sport of respect and humility. We aim to keep all of our students humble and respectful.

  4. When can i start sparring or join the competition team? Sparring is reserved for our students that have been training for a good amount of time and have demonstrated they have to skills and the right mentality to start sparring. First students must graduate to the intermediate classes before they can be selected to spar. Respect that when our coaches think your skill level is up to par with competing & sparring, they will approach you about seeing if you would like to. Please understand that our coaches top priority is your safety. If they feel that you are not ready to compete or spar, trust that they have your well-being in mind and want you

    to continue training until the time is right.

  5. What if i sparred before and i have previous training experience from another gym? We ask all students with previous training and sparring experience to be with us for at least 1 month before we let them spar. This gives us time to get to know you and assess your skill level and also gives you time to get to know other students and gives you the opportunity to see how we train and spar.

  6. What do I need to bring with me to training?

    In order to train in a Basics, HIIT Bag, Boxing, or All Levels Class you will need:

    -T-shirt (preferably with nothing offensive or explicit on it)

    -Shorts above the knee or leggings. We do encourage you to wear Muay Thai shorts. All Muay Thai practitioners wear them. Not only do they look super cool, but they are comfortable and are most practical for the sport. They also help students feel connected to the culture.

    - Handwraps

    - Boxing Gloves - Any size for regular class is fine. You must have 16oz gloves for sparring.

    - Water Bottle. We have water coolers at the gym that you can fill up your water bottle with

    .In order to train in Intermediate Classes you will need:

    -All of the above mentioned items & shin pads.

    -Shinpads. Shinpads are you used in intermediate & sparring classes to protect you and your partner from light shin on shin contact. You will use them in drilling exercises like blocking and light contact with your partner.

  7. Do i have to spar or do competitions?

    The answer is no. You will never be forced to do competitions or spar if it is something that you are not comfortable doing. Muay Thai is both a martial art and a sport, Many people become proficient in Muay Thai with out ever stepping into the ring and and that is perfectly fine! Our coaches will never put anyone in a position of competing or if it is something they are not comfortable doing. We just want you to learn the art and have fun!

    No Fun, No Muay Thai!

Gym Rules & Policies

All students must pre-register for class. please try to register 24 hours in advance or at the latest 30 minutes before class start time. when you arrive check in for class on the i-pad.

  • Arrive to class on time or a few minutes before class start time. if you show up late and miss the warm up, you will not be able to join the class but you can hit a heavy bag for the remainder of the class time.

  • no shoes or socks on the mats.

  • be respectful to everyone. any acts of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia will not be tolerated in our gym.

  • practice good hygiene. no one likes a stinky partner.

  • Toenails must be kept short to avoid injury to your partner. fingernails must be kept short to participate in clinch work.

  • be humble. check your ego at the door.

  • No coaching your partner. leave all critiques & coaching to the coaches and fighters.

  • Parents of students must stay on the carpeted area, no sideline coaching

  • take care of your equipment. make sure to sanitize and air out your equipment daily.

  • Sanitize gym equipment after use and return it to where it belongs.

  • Don't leave personal items in the gym overnight (gear, sweaty clothes, water bottles etc). you gotta do 50 kicks if you do!

  • no sparring without the supervision of an instructor or coach.

Membership Information & Policies

All Monthly Membership plans are paid by monthly automatic electronic payment (credit card, debit card, or automatic checking account draft). Monthly memberships will automatically renew each month at the same payment terms and billing date established at time of enrollment.Any changes to plan, or cancellation must be received 7 days in advance of next billing cycle or plan expiration date. It is the members responsibility to monitor membership expiration and renewal dates.

Membership Cancellation Policy:

We have a pretty straight forward cancellation policy. We have all been held hostage by gym contracts in the past and never want to put anyone in a stressful situation if they need to cancel.

All Monthly Membership plans are paid by monthly automatic electronic payment (credit card, debit card, or automatic checking account draft). Monthly memberships will automatically renew each month at the same payment terms and billing date established at time of enrollment.Any changes to plan, or cancellation must be received 7 days in advance of next billing cycle or plan expiration date. It is the members responsibility to monitor membership expiration and renewal dates.

If you wish to cancel your membership, you can do so by sending an email with the subject line "Membership Cancellation" to info@sknmuaythai.com

You will then be sent a short membership exit survey. We are constantly seeking out the best ways to serve our members and by completing this survey, your feedback will help us improve our academy. Once the survey is completed your membership will be cancelled.

Cancellation Fees:

6 Month Membership Agreement - If the membership is terminated before the 6 month commitment final date, a $50 fee will be applied to your account.

No Commitment Memberships -There are no cancellation fees.

Membership Lapse & Membership Reactivation:

If you choose to cancel your membership at any time and return at a later date you will be subject to any rate increases at the time of enrollment.